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Titan Family Portal transitioned to LINQ Connect, effective 5/23/2023.

View the Cafeteria menu here.

Our meal payments platform, TITAN Family Portal, has upgraded to LINQ Connect. Download the new LINQ Connect app in the Google Play Store available now and/or in the Apple Store or visit to manage all your payments in one convenient location.

There’s no need to change your username or password. It will all transfer to the new platform for you.

Within the LINQ Connect portal, you can apply for free and reduced meals, set up one-time or recurring payments for your student’s meals, view previous transactions, set spending limits, transfer funds between students if within the same district, set low balance notifications, and more. It’s an easy way to manage meal payments without the hassle of sending cash.


ALL students participating in the Free National School Lunch Program will have to have a completed application that can be filled out through LINQ Connect using this link  

In order to be able to implement this program as smoothly as possible, it is imperative that we have your assistance in promptly filling out the applications well before the start of school as the cafeteria staff will be busier than ever!

● Students will still need to scan their ID cards

● Only NSLP meals qualify for reimbursement (1 Breakfast and 1 Lunch per student/day)

● Ala Carte items will be available (snacks, beverages, etc.) but do not qualify through the program and will need to be paid for by the student through their account or with cash. 

1) All Students should fill out a NSLP Application on LINQ.  Without a completed application the District will not be reimbursed.
2) Students may get one free Breakfast during the Breakfast time before school
3) Students may get one free Lunch during Morning Break OR during Main Lunch—Not both.
4) Students must pay if they receive a second breakfast or lunch per day
5) Students can choose to pick up their free lunch at either time (breakfast or lunch time)
6) Weekly menus are posted on LINQ and in the Cafeteria
7) Breakfast components are a grain, Protein, fruit or vegetable and Milk Option (3 must be taken)
8) Lunch components are a Grain, Protein, Vegetable, Fruit and Milk Option (3 must be taken)
9) Milk is 1% White or Fat Free Chocolate
10) All Ala Carte Items are available for purchase and cannot be given as part of the free meal
11) Deposit Funds online through the LINQ Portal for your account. Cash or check is accepted at any point of sale but any change will be automatically deposited into the students LINQ account for future use.

NSLP Meal ScheduleFree Breakfast-1 per student, per day, served 7:30am-8:20am

Free Lunch-1 per student, per day served at Break or Lunch, includes choice of entrees, milk & fruit

Students-Remember to bring your ID card or have a picture of it on your phone. 

Again, if a student selects ala carte, water or other items not included in the NSLP program or selects two lunches they will be charged on their LINQ Connect account.