Community Service
Los Gatos High School encourages students to participate in community service. Volunteering is an optional activity and occurs when students give back to the local community by donating their time to 501c3 organizations, their town, or other qualifying programs.
Community Service is highlighted by the 40 Development Assets outlined in the Project Cornerstone goals. In fact, Los Gatos High School is focusing on asset #26 – caring: a young person places high value on helping other people.
If you are interested in tracking your community service experiences for your own personal record or to build a portfolio of documentation for your resume or college applications, there are many tools available to do so.
- Click here for an example of a Community Service Tracking Record.
- Click here to create your own copy and begin tracking your community service experiences. Note: You will be asked to create a copy of the google document.
Directions:This is just a suggested process. Feel free to edit for your needs.
- Keep a tally of your total number of hours and update the total number as you add more.
- Fill out the “table” to document your hours for each different activity you do. Copy and paste the table as needed. Put most recent activities on the top.You can also create a hyperlink to your letters, photos, or other documentation scans to the matching table/activity.
- If you receive letters or other documentation of your volunteer hours, scan them or photograph them and upload them to your community service folder. You can also add photos, etc. You can also use the Adobe Scan app or Android phones to use your phone camera to “scan” (or photograph) your letters as .pdfs to put in your Community Service folder.
- Move your copy of this document into that folder.
- Create a folder in Google Drive. Label it Community Service Folder + your name. “Share it with anyone with a link” can view.
If you have any questions about community service opportunities please contact Vanessa Fiske ( in the College & Career Center and visit the Volunteer Opportunities section of the College/Career Center page.
If you have any questions about creating your Community Service Tracking Record please contact your school guidance counselor.