School Policies
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408-354-2731 7:00am - 3:30pm
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Academic Integrity
DEFINITION: Conscious deliberate act designated to further the interests of the party or parties concerned; includes, but not limited to what is described in the Academic Integrity Policy document here.
NOTE: The teacher’s judgment, with the concurrence of the school administration, will determine whether cheating has occurred. If there is clear and convincing evidence that a student intended to cheat, the penalties included in this policy will be invoked.
Code of Conduct
Board Policy BP 5131
The Governing Board believes that all students have the right to be educated in a safe and positive learning environment free from disruptions. Students shall be expected to exhibit appropriate conduct that does not infringe upon the rights of others or interfere with the school program while on school grounds, going to or coming from school, at school activities, or using district transportation.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that each school develops standards of conduct and discipline consistent with Board policies and administrative regulations. Students and parents/guardians shall be notified of district and school rules related to conduct.
Prohibited student conduct includes, but is not limited to:
1. Conduct that endangers students, staff, or others, including, but not limited to, physical violence, possession of a firearm or other weapon, and terrorist threats
2. Discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying of students or staff, including sexual harassment, hate-motivated behavior, cyberbullying, hazing or initiation activity, extortion, or any other verbal, written, or physical conduct that causes or threatens to cause violence, bodily harm, or substantial disruption to the school program
3. Conduct that disrupts the orderly classroom or school environment
4. Willful defiance of staff's authority
5. Damage to or theft of property belonging to students, staff, or the district
6. Obscene acts or use of profane, vulgar, or abusive language
7. Possession, use, or being under the influence of tobacco, alcohol, or other prohibited substances
8. Possession or use of a laser pointer, unless for a valid instructional or other school-related purpose with prior permission of the principal or designee (Penal Code 417.27)
9. Use of a cell phone, smart watch, pager, or other mobile communication device during instructional time or in an unauthorized manner in violation of district policy
10. Plagiarism or dishonesty on school work or tests
11. Wearing of any attire that violates district or school dress codes, including gang-related apparel
12. Tardiness or unexcused absence from school
13. Failure to remain on school premises in accordance with school rules
Employees are expected to enforce standards of conduct and, when they observe or receive a report of a violation of these standards, to appropriately intervene or seek assistance. As necessary, the employee shall refer the matter to a supervisor or the principal or designee.
When a school employee suspects that a search of a student or a student's belongings will turn up evidence of the student's violation of the law or school rules, such a search shall be conducted in accordance with BP 5145.12/AR 5145.12 - Search and Seizure.
When a student uses any prohibited device, or uses a permitted device in an unauthorized manner, a district employee may confiscate the device. The employee shall store the device securely until it is returned to the student or turned over to the principal or designee, as appropriate.
Students who violate district or school rules and regulations may be subject to discipline including, but not limited to, suspension, expulsion, transfer to alternative programs, referral to a student success team or counseling services, or denial of participation in extracurricular or cocurricular activities or other privileges in accordance with Board policy and administrative regulation. The Superintendent or designee shall notify local law enforcement as appropriate.
Students also may be subject to discipline, in accordance with law, Board policy, or administrative regulation, for any off-campus conduct during nonschool hours which poses a threat or danger to the safety of students, staff, or district property, or substantially disrupts school activities.
Dress Code
Board Policy BP 5132 | AR 5132
The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The Board expects students to wear clothing that is suitable for the school activities in which they participate. Students shall not wear clothing that presents a health or safety hazard or causes a substantial disruption to the educational program.
District and school rules pertaining to student attire shall be included in annual notice, may be posted in school offices and classrooms, and may be periodically reviewed with all students as necessary.
Students shall not be prohibited from dressing in a manner consistent with their gender identity or gender expression or with their religious or cultural observance.
In addition, the dress code shall not discriminate against students based on hair texture and protective hairstyles, including, but not limited to, braids, locks, and twists. (Education Code 212.1)
The principal or designee is authorized to enforce this policy and shall inform any student who does not reasonably conform to the dress code. The dress code shall not be enforced in a manner that discriminates against a particular viewpoint or results in a disproportionate application of the dress code based on students' gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, household income, or body type or size.
School administrators, teachers, and other staff shall be notified of appropriate and equitable enforcement of the dress code.
When practical, students shall not be directed to correct a dress code violation during instructional time or in front of other students.
Repeated violations or refusal to comply with the district's dress code may result in disciplinary action.
Gang-Related Apparel
The principal, staff, and parents/guardians at a school may establish a reasonable dress code that prohibits students from wearing gang-related apparel when there is evidence of a gang presence that disrupts or threatens to disrupt the school's activities. Such a proposed dress code shall be presented to the Board, which shall approve the plan upon determining that it is necessary to protect the health and safety of the school environment. The dress code policy may be included in the school's comprehensive safety plan. (Education Code 35183)
When determining specific items of clothing that may be defined as gang apparel, the school shall ensure that the determination is free from bias based on race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, or other protected characteristics.