School Site Council
About School Site Council
Los Gatos High School Site Council includes teachers, staff, parents, and students, who work together to develop and implement plans to improve the academic achievement of students at our school.
School Site Council's main responsibilities include:
- Developing and implementing a school improvement plan that is aligned with the goals and strategies in the WASC Action Plan for improving student achievement.
- Reviewing and analyzing data on student performance and progress.
- Providing input to school leadership on the allocation of resources and the use of funds to support the school's improvement efforts.
- Communicating with the school community about the progress of the school improvement plan and any changes or updates to the plan.
Overall, the goal of a school site council is to ensure that the school is meeting the needs of its students and working to improve academic achievement for all students.
Meeting Dates/Agenda/Minutes
Meeting DatesAugust 29, 2024 October 3, 2024 November 7, 2024 December 5, 2024 January 9, 2025
February 6, 2025 March 6, 2025 April 3, 2025 May 1, 2025
Meeting Agenda
View the 2024/2025 agenda here.
Meeting Minutes
SSC Bylaws
Los Gatos High School Site SSC Bylaws
Article I: NameThe name of this committee shall be the Los Gatos High School School Site Council, otherwise known as SSC.Article II: PurposeIn cooperation with the Los Gatos High School (LGHS) Principal, the Los Gatos High School SSC is to:
1. Act as the primary community advisory body to the site.
2. Recommend site and district adoption of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) annually.
3. Monitor the implementation of the SPSA and periodically assess its efficacy.
4. Conduct an annual review of the SPSA and make modifications to reflect the changing needs and priorities of the site.
5. Take other actions as required by the California Education Code.
Article III: Membership
Section 1
All efforts shall be made to have broad representation of Staff, Parents, Teachers and Students.
Records of each new membership approval shall be documented in the meeting minutes (or first meeting held after October).
The SSC shall be composed of the LGHS Principal and approved representation of Staff, Parents, Teachers and Students from each group.
SSC members shall be selected as follows:
1. The SSC shall include at least three teachers.
2. The SSC shall include at least two staff members.
3. The Principal, or designated Assistant Principal, shall be ex officio.
4. The SSC shall include at least four students representing all grade levels. Student representatives shall be elected by the student body.
5. The SSC shall include at least three parents of students attending the school.
SSC members representing parents or students shall not be employees of LGHS.
Section 2
1. Each member, including the Principal, may have one vote on everything submitted to a vote.
2. A simple majority of the quorum determines the outcome.
Section 3
Resignation will be accepted only upon written notice to the Chair. An email or other similar online communication may serve as written notice.
Section 4
All SSC Members shall serve a term of one year and may be re-approved by a vote of the SSC.
Re-approval of existing members shall occur at the March meeting. If a member joins mid-way through a school year, that will count as a full year of that member's term.
Section 5
In the event of a vacancy, the SSC can decide to continue short one member until the end of the school year. Or, the SSC can select a replacement who will be a full voting member for the duration of the school year.
The replacement can be re-‐approved by his/her peers during the normal process for the following term. Vacancies shall be deemed to exist when the Chair receives a letter of resignation or a member becomes ineligible.
Section 6
Membership shall automatically terminate for any member who is absent from all meetings for a period of three consecutive months without the consent of the SSC. With this or any other vacancy, should he/she ask, the member can be re‐instated at the discretion of the SSC.
Section 7
Membership on the SSC may not be assigned or transferred.
Article IV: Duties of SSC MembersIt shall be the duty of all SSC members to:
1. Attend all meetings of the SSC or provide valid reason for nonattendance; and inform the Chair in advance of planned absence(s).
2. Prepare for each meeting as appropriate and required for informed participation, including, but not limited to:
a. Review of prior meeting minutes
b. Study of any materials pertinent to upcoming agenda items
c. Completion of agreed-‐upon committee work
3. Participate in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
a. Every member has the responsibility and obligation to present his viewpoint in an honest and respectful manner.
b. Every member has the responsibility to respectfully consider other viewpoints.
4. Accept positions on subcommittees when so appointed or as elected officers unless unable to carry out the duties entailed.
5. Serve as an ambassador of LGHS and the SSC, accepting the majority vote on issues and presenting a positive face to the public.
Article V: Officers
Section 1 – Officers
The Officers of the SSC shall be a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and such other officers, as the SSC may deem desirable. Any member of the SSC may hold any office on the SSC and it is valid for a single member to hold multiple offices at the same time.
Section 2 – Term of Office
The officers shall serve for two years or until a successor has been selected. A member may serve as an officer for more than one term if selected for more terms.
Section 3 – Removal
Any officer may be removed by a majority vote of all members sitting on the SSC whenever, in the judgment of the SSC, the best interests of the SSC would be served thereby.
Section 4 – Vacancy
A vacancy in any Office for any reason shall, by special election of the SSC, be filled by the SSC for the unexpired portion of the term. If needed, the Chair shall appoint a member in good standing to assume the Office until the next regular meeting when the vacancy can be filled.
Section 5 – Chair
The Chair shall preside at all the meetings of the SSC, appoint all committees unless otherwise designated, and enjoy the same rights as other members, such as voting, introducing motions and resolutions, and discussing questions that come before the SSC. The Chair may sign all letters, reports and other communications of the SSC upon recommendation of the SSC.
The Chair, with input from the Principal and anyone wishing to put matters before the SSC, will set the priority of agenda items, establish the approximate time limit for each agenda item, and decide on the order of the agenda.
In addition, the Chair may take on such other duties as may be determined by the SSC from time to time.
Section 6 – Secretary
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all SSC meetings, both regular and special. The Secretary shall also see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provision of these bylaws; be custodian of the SSC records; keep a register of the email address and telephone number of each member of the SSC which shall be furnished to the Secretary by such member; and, in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned to the office by the Chair or by the SSC.
The Secretary or designee shall distribute the minutes of the SSC to all SSC members prior to the next SSC meeting for review.
Standard procedure is for minutes to be approved in person at the following meeting. However, at the option of the Secretary, and with the approval of the Chair, Site Council minutes for a meeting may be distributed online to members for electronic approval.
Section 7 – Treasurer
The Treasurer shall keep track of account balances for all funds overseen by the Site Council. The Treasurer shall work with the Los Gatos-‐Saratoga High School District to ensure that amounts are accurate and shall provide updates for members at each meeting.
Article VI: Approval of Officers
Section 1
All Officers shall be approved at the first meeting of the school year.
Section 2
New officers shall assume their duties at the meeting following the one where they
are approved.
Article VII: CommitteesThe SSC may from time to time establish or abolish such standing or special committees to meet needs (i.e., Nominating Committee or Bylaw Committee.) No standing or special committee, however, may exercise the authority of the SSC.
Article VIII: Meetings and Quorum
Section 1
1. Meetings shall be scheduled monthly from September – May. June, July and August will not have regularly scheduled meetings.
2. The September meeting will include an orientation for any new members. The orientation will include a briefing on Robert’s Rules of Order, the mission of the SSC, and a review of the budget.
Section 2
A simple majority of the SSC membership with at least one person from each category (teacher, staff, parent and student) shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum will not be available for a meeting, a SSC alumnus may substitute at the discretion of the board. If a member resigns or otherwise becomes ineligible during the school year then the quorum count is reduced accordingly
Section 3
Special meetings may be called by the Chair or upon request of three SSC members.
Section 4
The SSC shall hold its regular monthly meetings and its special meetings in a facility provided by LGHS that is readily accessible by all members of the public, including handicapped persons.
Section 5
Public notice shall be given of regular meetings at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Any change in the established date, time or location in which business will be discussed must be given special notice. Any required notice shall be in writing, shall state the day, hour and location of the meeting, and shall be delivered hardcopy or digitally to each SSC member not less than 72 hours prior to each meeting. If meetings are canceled, only the SSC needs to be notified.
Section 6
The meetings will be governed by these bylaws and any dispute will be settled in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. Minutes of each meeting shall be archived (either digitally or hardcopy) for three years by the Principal or his designee.
Section 7
All meetings will be conducted in accordance with School Site Council meeting requirements as specified by the California Department of Education.
Article IX: AmendmentsThese bylaws may be amended at any meeting by a 2/3 vote of the quorum present.
Dates amended:
May 2017
February 2023
November 2024
SSC Grant Request Form
Teachers may apply for a professional development grant from the LGHS School Site Council here.
2024 - 2025 School Site Council Members
Name | Stakeholder Group |
Lisa Sinclair | Parent |
Regina Barhydt | Parent (SSC Chairperson) |
Anj Schuyler | Parent |
David Poetzinger | Principal |
Lindsay Schubert | Staff (Assistant Principal) |
James Xu | Student (Class of 2025) |
Sophia (Sophie) Krish | Student (Class of 2026) |
Connor Krawez | Student (Class of 2027) |
Grace Murray | Student (Class of 2027) |
Fernanda Cantu Valdez | Student (Class of 2027) |
Arnav Singhal | Student (Class of 2028) |
Jack Zhang | Student (Class of 2028) |
Jennifer Bryan | Teacher |
Mariam Fan | Teacher |
Patricia Sutton | Teacher |