Class of 2028
FRESHMAN YEAR ACTIVITIESCounselor Check-In – 10/14-18/24, English Classes
Freshmen will meet with their school counselor in small groups during their English class to re-introduce themselves and let students know how their counselor can help them throughout high school.
Freshmen Parent/Guardian Information Night – 8/27/24
Here are the slides if you missed the presentation.
Four-Year Plan
A four-year plan is a tool used to help students project the classes they will/want to take each year of high school. This helps to make sure students are meeting all of their graduation requirements and A-G requirements (course requirements for the UC/CSU college systems). Often looking a few years ahead will help determine classes for the near future. Please follow the pathway on our website ( listed below) to view the Course Sequence Charts & Descriptions, which will be an essential part of completing the four-year plan.
Academics > Departments (click the department and view their Course Descriptions & Sequence Charts)
In the spring semester, all freshmen will create a four-year plan in with the counselors. For those who want to get a head start, you can create your four-year plan in advance.