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Code of Conduct

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The Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District offers an extensive and diverse extracurricular program that includes athletic and non-athletic interscholastic teams and competitions, clubs, performing arts, and leadership positions. Participation in extracurricular activities in the Los Gatos Saratoga Union High School District is a privilege, not a right, and comes with the responsibility to represent our schools with character and integrity.


The following are general guidelines for all extracurricular activities. Individual activities may have additional guidelines and requirements for participation.


● Students must meet and maintain required academic standards.

○ Each student must be enrolled in a minimum of five class periods

○ Each student must earn passing grades (D or better) to earn at least 20 units the previous grading period

○ Each student must maintain a 2.0 GPA during the previous grading period*

■ Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District may allow a student to be eligible to participate in extracurriculars on an academic waiver. The academic waiver must be approved by the Principal.
*The most recent 6 week, 12 week, or semester grades will determine academic eligibility.


● Students must attend school, or be excused from school on the day of the absence to participate in extracurricular activities.

● Students shall not be penalized for missing class in order to participate in school-related extracurricular events.

● Students may request to miss a practice or event in order to participate in another academic or extracurricular activity. Of note, Students must recognize that missed practices or events may impact the level of participation in future events.


  • Students must exhibit personal conduct that is consistent with all school policies and regulations.



A student may be subject to discipline for any of the acts listed in Education Code sections 48900, 48900.2, 48900.3, 48900.4 and 48900.7. Depending on the severity of the misconduct and the student's past history, disciplinary consequences may range from temporary or permanent removal from extracurricular activities to suspension from school or expulsion from the District. Discipline may be imposed for any act identified in the Education Code when that act is related to a school activity or school attendance. This includes any misconduct that occurs during, or while going to or coming from, a school-sponsored extracurricular activity.

Alternative Means of Correction

Although it is sometimes necessary to impose the disciplinary consequences described above, the District also adheres to a philosophy of generally recommending suspension or expulsion only when other means of correcting the behavior have been attempted and failed. If possible and appropriate, a student who violates the disciplinary provisions of the Education Code may be offered positive behavior supports before being subject to discipline. Those interventions may include conferences with the student and his/her parents, referrals to other supportive services, and participation in a restorative justice program,


Students are expected to adhere to the guidelines set forth in the Code of Conduct. Facts, circumstances, and disciplinary measures are analyzed on a case-by-case basis. The Code of Conduct provides a minimum standard of conduct and guidance when addressing certain behaviors. It does not and cannot enumerate each and every situation or conduct for which discipline may be imposed. In cases of severe violations of the Code of Conduct, consequences including removal from the activity, may be applied. Code of Conduct violations may also result in loss of privileges in celebratory functions, recognition dinners, scholarships, and/or awards. Final decision regarding consequences will be made by the Assistant Principal, in consultation with the extracurricular activity supervisor.

A student in violation of the Code of Conduct will face consequences for all extracurricular activities in which he or she is involved. Consequences may also apply to future seasons of participation. Prior to removal from a team or an extracurricular activity a conference must be held with the student, parent and school staff.  

Appeal process

Any student who feels unjustly suspended or dismissed from any extracurricular activity has the right to appeal the decision.

In order to appeal, they must do the following:

● Present a written appeal to the lead extracurricular supervisor within 48 hours of the suspension or dismissal.

● Attend a meeting with the lead extracurricular supervisor, which will be held within three school days of receipt of the written appeal. The lead extracurricular supervisor will issue a written decision on the appeal within one school day of the meeting.

● If the student is unsatisfied with the lead extracurricular supervisor's decision, that decision may be appealed in writing to the site administrator within one school day of the lead extracurricular supervisor's decision.

● The Principal shall meet with the student and parent to discuss the complaint, will consult with the extracurricular supervisor, and will issue a written decision within one week of the appeal. The site administrator's decision shall be final.

However, parents who believe that the decision to exclude a student from an extracurricular activity constituted unlawful harassment or discrimination may pursue further remedies through one of the complaint procedures identified below.

These complaint procedures also are available to any parent or student who believes that a student has been subject to unlawful harassment or discrimination at school or at a school activity for any reason, including based on another student's violation of this Code of Conduct.

Policy & Complaint Procedure

Board Policies and Administrative Regulations (Available on the District's website)


The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from discrimination based on race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; 3 or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The District shall follow the Uniform Complaint Procedure when addressing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination on any of the bases listed above or for the alleged failure to comply with other state or federal laws identified in the District's Uniform Complaint Board Policy and Administrative Regulations. (BP/AR 1312.3).


The Governing Board believes that all students have the right to be educated in a positive learning environment free from actions that create a hostile academic environment. Prohibited student conduct includes, but is not limited to, harassment of students or staff, including bullying, intimidation, cyber bullying, hazing/initiation activity, ridicule, extortion, or any other verbal, written, or physical conduct that causes or threatens to cause bodily harm or emotional suffering, or that may substantially interfere with a student's academic performance or ability to participate in, or benefit from, the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District. (BP 5131)

Sexual Harassment

The Governing Board is committed to maintaining a learning environment that is free of harassment. Board Policy 5145.7 prohibits the unlawful sexual harassment of any student by any employee, student, or other person at school or at any school-related activity. The District is committed to taking serious, immediate, and appropriate action with respect to violations of sexual harassment policy. Students shall be assured that they need not endure any form of sexual harassment. They shall further be assured that they need not endure, for any reason, any harassment that impairs the educational environment or a student’s emotional well-being at school.

Should a student believe that he/she has been subjected to sexual harassment, he/she shall file a complaint in accordance with the guidelines outlined under the Uniform Complaint Procedures. Students can be assured that the District will not tolerate retaliation as a result of the filing of a complaint. Any student who engages in the sexual harassment of anyone at school or a school-related activity shall be subject to disciplinary action.

Title IX

Students also are protected from sexual harassment under federal law (Title IX). Prohibited conduct under Title IX includes sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, when the conduct occurs in a program or activity under the District's control, and is so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it denies a person's equal access to a District program or activity. Complaints may be filed under the District's sexual harassment complaint procedures, or a complainant may contact the District's Title IX Coordinator directly.


Students agree to abide by the following pledge:

Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege. As a representative of the District and the community, I have the obligation and responsibility to represent myself, my activities, my district, my school, and my community in an exemplary manner. I understand that if I violate the terms of the Code of Conduct , I will be subject to disciplinary measures that may include alternative means of correction, suspension, expulsion and/or immediate revocation of my privilege to participate in extracurricular programs. I further understand that conduct prohibited under this Code of Conduct includes, but is not limited to the following:

Suspension and/or expulsion may be imposed for conduct described under California Education Code Sections 48900, 48900.2, 48900,3, 48900.4, and 48900.7.

Suspension may be imposed under those provisions for a first offense, if the student's presence causes a danger to others. However, suspension may always be imposed on a first offense for the following misconduct: (a) caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury, or willfully used force or violence on another person except in self-defense; (b) possession of a dangerous object; (c) possession, use, or sale of a controlled substance or intoxicant of any kind; (d) negotiating the sale of a controlled substance or intoxicant, and then delivering a look-alike substance; or (e) committing or attempting to commit robbery or extortion.

The District must recommend expulsion for the following offenses committed at school or at a school activity off school grounds, unless the principal or superintendent recommends otherwise or determine that other means of correction will address the misconduct:

California Education Code Section 48915(a)

1. Causing serious injury to another person, except in self-defense.

2. Possession of a knife, or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the student.

3. Unlawful possession of any controlled substance except for the first offense for the possession of not more than one avoirdupois ounce of marijuana, other than concentrated cannabis.

4. Robbery or extortion.

5. Assault or battery on any school employee.

The District must expel a student who commits one of the following offenses at school or at a school activity off school grounds:

California Education Code Section 48915(c)

1. Sale, possession or furnishing a firearm.

2. Brandishing a knife at another person.

3. Selling a controlled substance.

4. Sexual assault or sexual battery.

5. Possession of an explosive.